Twenty One-Liners For Behaviour Management

Twenty One-Liners For Behaviour Management

man thinking

Consider the Serious Implications Bound Up in These Statements

Twenty One-Liners From Our Site

Clarification of and the Implications for Each One-Liner Will Be Detailed in the
Better Homes & Schools Monthly SnapShot
Access the Free Issue of SnapShot here

A Word of Caution!

When evaluating the One-Liners below, there are some things you need to keep in mind. The One-Liners on their own do not tell the whole story, and a casual reader may make erroneous assumptions. I strongly advise that you read the discussion statements for each One-Liner in SnapShot. You may find some of the conclusions challenging if they differ from your current thinking. They may be challenging because they conflict with current trends promoted by some psychiatrists, psychologists, academics, and teachers. Some One-Liners may raise some eyebrows.

Parents, teachers and children should understand boundaries and consequences.

Children need to be encouraged.

Managing your behaviour stimulates a reciprocal response.

Provide children with positive recognition, and they will be more likely to make better choices.

Buying your child's affection is teaching them to expect rewards for giving their affections.

If what you are doing is not working, change what you are doing.

If you treat your child as if they were the most important person in the world, they will expect it from everybody.

Parents should have a 'presence' of authority, confidence, friendliness, assertiveness, empathy, strength, firmness and affection.

When children respect their parents, they learn respect for themselves.

If you are walking on eggshells with your child, it shows they are at the top of the pecking order.

Many toys can inhibit a child's creativity and resourcefulness.

A child is a smaller cog in the family machinery.

Punish in anger, and it's a lose-lose situation. 

It is better if rewards are of educational value.

Ignoring inappropriate behaviour is like training a dog to bite you.

What you allow, you teach.

Think before you speak or react; give yourself time to respond from logic and reason, not emotion.

Managing behaviour should be time, cost and emotionally effective.

The marriage should be the primary focus, not the child.

Only give consequences when you are sure of what happened.


Richard Warden


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