Art & Craft

Art & Craft

Teacher Young Students

Art & Craft Activities Are Not Just for Kids

These video presentations show step by step procedures for a variety of creative activities. Covering a wide age range, they are designed to be inexpensive but effective. They are avenues to teach theory and practical skills as well as broadening our knowledge base. 

There are no videos available as yet; I intend to add some before the next issue of SnapShot, adding more each month.

Creative activities such as art and craft have many benefits besides giving us a sense of achievement. These activities can:

  • Increase attention spans.
  • Give a sense of achievement.
  • Create a sense of satisfaction.
  • Be an avenue to express our creativity.
  • Increase our manual skills.
  • Provide opportunities for problem-solving.
  • Give time to experiment with different media
  • Increase patience.
  • Improve our attention to detail.
  • Teach colour theory and application.
  • Teach an appreciation for neatness and orderliness.
  • Be a shared experience to bond relationships.
  • Provide a pleasurable activity as an alternative to TV, videos and computer games.
  • Be a means of improving character traits.

Art for Everyone

0 videos

Creative Activities Increase Our Brain Power    Expressing ourselves through artistic activities improves our sense of well-being. Sharing these activities with others can be a means of creating a sense of closeness. They can be a meaningful social experience.

Craft for Everyone

0 videos

Craft Can Naturally Improve Positive Character Traits    A well-balanced life incorporates theoretical and practical elements. Manual dexterity, an eye for detail, a creative flair, neatness and orderliness and a knowledge of materials and tools may awaken from dormancy through craft activities.

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