Part 1 - A Good Character

Part 1 - A Good Character

young girl giving flowers

A Good Character Engenders Self Respect

Introduction to Character Development

When I think about character development, I have in mind a journey. During this trip, one gathers thinking and behavioural patterns that accumulate towards the destination, a perfect character. I would define a perfect character as, one possessed by a person I could trust implicitly and with which I would have absolute security at all times. This person would always do the best for me and others, no matter what the situation or circumstances.

This series explores the nature of a good character. The series also explores the formation of positive character traits, the positive impact it has on the person who possesses it and the people they meet. We will investigate the effect such a character has in the home, classroom, workplace and other environments. Further, we will analyse some of the most significant positive character traits and discuss the differences in developing these traits in children, adults and ourselves.

What is a Good Character?

Before we begin the journey, think about the reality of these essential concepts:

  • None of us has arrived yet. No-one has a perfect character.
  • Character development is the work of a lifetime.
  • A good character is either growing or dying, it is never static (staying the same).
  • Like a fortress, a good character is built one stone at a time.
  • Like brains and muscles, 'if we don't use them we lose them.' The same with character traits.
  • Good character traits, when practised, become automatic.
  • We are not born with good character traits.
  • We can inherit negative and positive character traits.
  • Choices are a major factor in whether we accumulate or lose good character traits.
  • Consider what character traits you would desire in a business partner, close friend or spouse.
  • The ratio of good character traits to negative character traits portrayed in the media is meagre.
  • Positive character traits result in positive emotions; negative character traits lead to the opposite.
  • Our real character often comes to the fore during times of duress and trial. How do you fare?

My younger son and I love to debate. One day he said to me, "There is no such thing as 'cold'. You only have the absence of heat." I took up the challenge and replied that from a social, not scientific, point of view there is such a thing as 'cold.' And so we debated for half an hour and several times since, even though I knew my son was right.

It is a bit like light and darkness. Darkness is just the absence of light. You can't get rid of light in a room by putting a lot of darkness in there; you need to turn off the light. I feel it is the same with growing good character traits. We will not change selfishness into unselfishness by concentrating on getting rid of greed. We get rid of selfishness by dwelling upon and practising unselfishness.

I have noticed in the past, when I am feeling happy, healthy, fit and well, I tended to display more positive character traits. But when I was unhappy, depressed, stressed, unhealthy, unfit or sick, I tended to be impatient, irritable and unthoughtful. I felt sorry for myself and was inward focussed.

Certain foods, drinks and drugs dramatically accentuate our mood swings; the 'highs' push the positive feeling way above standard and the resultant 'lows' lower. Among other detrimental effects, the 'lows' are damaging to good character development. The 'lows' leave us with a craving for another 'hit', and over time we become dependent, addiction follows, and the effect has been counterproductive to good character development.

Imagine how better a home would be if everyone's attitude improved. What about a school, church or organisation? To illustrate the concept, I would like you to consider a manufacturing business with eight people in the administration and twenty-five workers. What would be the positive changes that would occur if all of their characters improved significantly? Let's make a list of some of these changes that are almost inevitable:

  • Productivity would increase
  • The bottom line (profits) would improve
  • Relationships would get better
  • Communication would be more productive
  • Antisocial behaviour would be less
  • Punctuality would be better regarded
  • An atmosphere of trust would develop
  • Customer service would be improved
  • There would be less sick days
  • There would be fewer accidents
  • Stealing would decrease or even disappear

As with some other concepts above, this subject needs an article of its own. Have you heard the expression, 'What goes up, must come down?' A good self-talk expression to use in regards to you improving your character is, 'What goes in must come out.' Later we will expand this idea concerning what goes in through the senses and what will come out in our response to life's experiences.

I found a very helpful chart that contains a list of 49 character traits, definitions and antonyms.

You can view the '49 Character Traits' chart here.

Richard Warden

Next Article in this Article Series: Part 2 - Character & Relationships

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