For Teachers

For Teachers

teachers around computer

SnapShot is for Serious and Committed Teachers

Find the answers to these questions in our monthly SnapShot

  • What can I do to be more efficient in the classroom?
  • What are the one hundred plus factors that influence students' character and behaviour?
  • What can I do to reduce the amount of conflict within the classroom?
  • What are the principles, categories and factors that are vital for successfully managing unwanted behaviour?
  • How can I manage my own emotions?
  • How can I reduce my anxiety and stress levels?
  • I want to have good relationships with my colleagues and parents, how do I do that?
  • What strategies do I need to help my students develop good characters?
  • Show me how to manage inappropriate behaviour without becoming emotional?
  • How should I respond to upset parents?
  • How can I be more constructive in my communication with students, colleagues and carers?
  • What simple things can I teach my students so that they can be healthier?
  • How can I overcome the negative impact my past has on me?
  • I want to be a good example for my students. What can I do to become a better person?
  • Please show me how to have more cooperation and harmony in the classroom?

Cheers, Richard 

SnapShot is not like a formal, starchy PD seminar,
it is more like a fireside chat

Access your FREE issue of SnapShot by clicking here

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